SVP Teens Code of Conduct


SVP Teens is a leadership and community development program for youth in grades 7-12 in Waterloo Region. The program runs September to June, with meetings usually once a month. Through discussions with community leaders, volunteering, fundraising, and grant-making, SVP Teens offers its participants:


SVP commits to providing an engaging and educational experience for the SVP Teen members. A SVP Teen participant commits to full participation in the program throughout the school year, positively contributing to team dynamics, and being respectful of others at all times. SVP is responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of all SVP Teens participants and volunteers, and therefore balances individual rights against the welfare of the larger group. Participants behaviour, actions, and communications (verbal and written) are to be consistent with SVP Teens values at all times.

SVP Teens Values

These principles are the foundation of SVP Teens:

  1. It’s Cool to Care! People who aren’t afraid to speak their minds and take acon about things they care about are the coolest.
  2. Commit. Be accountable. Don’t try to do it all.
  3. Initiave > Experience. You get what you give. Take initiative, commit to projects you’re excited about, and put in the work.
  4. Failures are not fatal. Don’t be afraid to participate due to fear it won’t work out. It’s only a failure if you don’t learn from it.
  5. Speak Up! You’re here for a reason, so be bold and share your strengths with the team.
  6. Say Yes to Collaboration. Each person on a team brings a new perspective; be inclusive and transparent.
  7. Your Actions Matter. Your actions reflect on us, and on SVP as an organization. We have zero tolerance for bullying or inappropriate behavior of any kind.

Participant Code of Conduct

1.1 Respect for Self and Others

Each participant shall:

1.2 Safety and Security

It is important that participants behave responsibly and do not compromise their own safety or endanger the health and safety of others. SVP staff and program (adult) mentors reserve the right to determine what constitutes unsafe practices.

1.2.1 Drugs and Alcohol

SVP has a zero tolerance policy on the consumption and/or possession of recreational or illegal drugs and/or alcohol, which are both unlawful and strictly forbidden.

1.2.2 Weapons

We have a zero tolerance policy on participants carrying, or having in their possession, any weapon as defined in the Criminal Code of Canada . This includes but is not limited to any firearm, weapon, imitation of a weapon, ammunition, hunting knife, prohibited device, or dangerous chemicals including explosives or fireworks.

1.2.3 Lost, Stolen or Damaged Property

The SVP Teens program is not liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or the of personal property, or for damage or destruction of such property.

1.2.4 Sexual Harassment/Abuse

All members of the SVP community have a right to a safe and supportive environment that respects everyone’s dignity and self-esteem. Behaviour which constitutes sexual harassment or abuse is neither condoned nor tolerated. Please report incidents of this nature to Rose Greensides, SVP’s Executive Director:

Sexual harassment can be regarded as an unwarranted intrusion upon the sexual dignity of a person, and it can include jokes, innuendos, insults, sexist remarks, derogatory or pornographic pictures, leering, touching or kissing. It is any conduct, comment, gesture, or contact of a sexual nature, whether on a one-time basis or in a series of incidents, that could cause offense, embarrassment, or humiliation, or that could be perceived by the individual as placing a condition of a sexual nature on their acceptance, involvement, or inclusion. Sexual harassment may be directed at anyone regardless of their sex.

1.2.5 Harassment, Bullying and Violence

The following behaviour will not be tolerated within the SVP Teens Program: